Returning Citizens to Their Communities
Helping Returning Citizens
Helping Families
Helping Communities
- Find housing
- Find adequate employment
- With the basics like food, water, clothing, and medication
- With education and life skills
- With broken relationships, support, belonging, and hope
- Be a resource for families who have someone incarcerated.
- Offer family support groups/gatherings to interact and support one another.
- Talk through issues with family members who have someone incarcerated. Help families understand the transition from incarceration to home.
- Offer marriage counseling and support for couples where one spouse is incarcerated. The divorce rate where one spouse is incarcerated for one a year is extremely high.
- Work with children who have incarcerated parent(s). Sadly, children of incarcerated parents are more likely to be incarcerated themselves.
- Reduce crime
- Safer, healthier communities
- Contributing members to communities
- Saving taxpayers thousands of dollars
Welcome to Go Reentry Specialists
Go Reentry Specialists exists to serve those leaving incarceration and returning their communities. We work with local prisons and organizations that help those leaving incarceration. We are a faith-based nonprofit organization. We hope that you find good information as you peruse our website. Feel free to get in contact with us if we can help you.
Why We Serve
In Pennsylvania, there are approximately 80,000 men and women behind bars. Over 95% of these people will be released back into our communities. Our heart and focus is to help those who are re-entering our communities. Chuck Colson says, “The road home is possibly the most difficult journey an ex-prisoner will face.”
The statistics clearly show how hard this journey is. Seven out of 10 who are released will return to prison within 3 years. This is a tragic reality. Helping men and women break this cycle of recidivism is our calling. This is no easy task.
Of those released from incarceration: 65% have a history of substance abuse and more than 30% have physical or mental disabilities. Many leave incarceration with little or no support. There are some enormous barriers formerly incarcerated people face that lead to failure and back to incarceration.
Who We Serve
We are targeting the counties of Centre, Clearfield, Mifflin, Huntington, Blair, and Cambria to provide services as we are able.